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What can Vitamin D can do for you?

  • Post category:Vitamins

Also known as the sunshine vitamin, vitamin d is something your body produces when exposed to sunshine. In a climate like Ghana it shouldn’t be hard to get some sun right? You’d be surprised.

Some reasons you might need more Vitamin D

You work in an office and spend all your time inside. You don’t get out much and spend your time in a car, or in the office. When you do step out it’s at night.

Maybe when you do step out you are all covered up. With our sun who can blame you?

Did you know that darker skinned people need more sunshine to generate the same amount of vitamin d as fairer skinned people?

Your weight and your age can also affect how well your body handles vitamin d production.

Some surprising benefits of Vitamin D

  1. According to WebMD and other sources, vitamin d can aid weight loss.
  2. Different sources have stated people with low levels of vitamin d are more likely to be depressed. CNN have discussed it can prevent depression.
  3. Vitamin D helps keep bones, teeth and muscles strong by assisting the body to absorb calcium. Here is a resource to help with your research link, link2.

VitaminsInAccra is here to help

If you’re not getting all the nutrients you need from food, our vitamins and supplements can help. Let us bring health to your home with our high quality and convenient service. It makes sense to use every option you have to safeguard you and your family.

Order your vitamins, pay online and have it delivered to you in the comfort of your home or place of work. No need to worry about fakes, or go searching for what you need. We’re happy to help.